And more my m
ercy / to putte att a preef
To euery synnere that non ne shal it mysse
Remenbre how I gaf m
ercy to the theef
Whicħ hadde so longe / trespaced and doon a mys
Went he nat frely / with me to paradise
Have this in mende how it is my guyse
Ałł repentaunt / to bryng hem to my blysse
Ffor whom my blood I gaf in sacryfice
Tarye no lenger / toward thyn herytage
Hast on thy weye and be of
good ryght good chere
Go eche day onward / on thy pylgrymage
Thynke howe short / tyme thou hast a byden here
Thy place is bygged aboue the sterres clere
Noon erthly palys wrought in so statly wyse
Kome on my frend my brother most entere
Ffor the I offered my blood in sacryfice