Se how that I was Iuged to the detħ
Se baraban / gon at his liberte
Se with a spere longeus me sletħ
Be holde two lycours distyllyng dovn fro me
Se blood and water by mercifułł plente
Rayle be my sydes / whicħ ought I now suffyce
To man / whan
n I vpon the rood tree
Was like a lambe offered in sacrifice
Be hold the knyghtes / whicħ be ther froward chaunce
Sat for my clothes / and the dees to pley
Be hold my modyr / swownyng for grevaunce
Vpon the crosse whan she saw me deye
Be holde the sepulcre / in whicħ my bones lay
Kepte which strong wacche / til I did a ryse
Of helle gates se how I brake the keye
And gaf for man my blood in sacryfice
And geyn thi pryde be hold my gret mekenesse
Geyn thyn envie / be hold my charite
Geyn thy leccherye be hold my chast clennesse
Geyn thy couetyse be hold my pouerte
A twene too theves nayled to a tree
Rayled with reed blood they lyst me so disguyse
Be hold o man / all this I did for the •
Meke as a lambe / offred in sacryfice •