Of thys prayere mekely I make an ende
Vnder thy mercyfułł supportacioun
O gracious Ih
esu graunt where eu
ere I wende
To haue memorie / vpon thi passioun
Testimonyal of my redempcio
In my testament / set for allegeaunce
This clause last / of my peticioun
Graunt or I deye shryft hosel repentaunce
Duryng the tyme / of this sesoun ver
I mene the seso
un of my yeres grene
Gynnyng fro chyldhode strecched vp so fer
To the yeres / accounted fułł fyftene
Bexperyence / as it was weel sene
The geryssħ seso
un / straunge of condicio
Disposed to many / vnbrydeled passiouns
Voyd of resovn yove to wilfulnesse
Ffroward to vertu / of thryfte toke litel hede
Lotħ to lerne / loued no besynesse
Saue pley or mertħ straunge to spelle or rede
Ffolowyng alle appetytes / longyng to childhede
Lyghtly turnyng / wylde and selde sad
Wepyng / for nowȝt / and a none after glad