My lust was ałł to skorne folke and Iape
Shrewed turnes eu
er among to vse
To skoffe and mowen like a wanto
un ape
Wħan I dyd euele other koude accuse
My wittes fyve / in wast I dyd all use
Redier cheristones to talle
Than gon to chircħe or here the sacryng belle
Loth to ryse / lother to bedde at eve
With vnwasshe hondes redy to dyuer
My pater n
oster my crede / or my beleve
Cast atte cok lo this was my manere
Waved with eche wynd as doth a reedsper
e •
Snybbyng of my frendes / sucche tecches tamende
Mad deef ere / list not to them attende
A chyld resemblyng / whicħ was not lyke to thryve
Froward to god rekles in his s
Lotħ to correccioun slougħ my selue to shryve
Alle good thewes redy to despice
Chief belwedyr of froward truandice
This is to mene / my self I coude feyne
Sike like a truaunt / and felt no man
er peyne