Be hold the woman that folowed me a ferre
That sore wept whan I thus was assayled
Be hold the Iewes which be ther cruel werre
Han my body vn to the cros I nayled
Be hold my tormentes most sharply apparayled
Atwene to theues put to my Iuyse
Be hold how mychel / my deth hath eke avayled
That I was for man offered in sacryfice
Be hold the spere most sharply ground
& whette
Myn herte wounded vpon the ryght syde
Behold the reed spyre / galle and eysel fett
Be hold the skornynges / whicħ þat I did abyde
And my .v. woundes / that were made so wyde
Which no man list / of rewthe to adu
And thus I was / of mekenesse ageyn pryde
Ffor man
nes offence offered in sacryfice
Se my disceples how thei haue me for sake
And fro me fled almost euerycho
Se how they slepte / and lyst not with me wake
Of mortałł drede they lefte me alle alone
Except my moder and my cosyn seynt Joh
My deth compleynyng / in most doolfułł wyse
Se from my crosse they wold neuer
Ffor mannes offence / whan
n •