The variaunt seso
un / of this stormy age
Abraydetħ euere / on newefangelnesse
Now frounyng chiere / now fressħ of visage
Now glad now lygħt / now trouble and hevynesse
Wylde as an herte / nowe mornyng for sadnesse
Stormyssħ as Marche / with chaunges ful sodeyne
After cleer shynyng / to turne and make it reyne
Of this seso
un lust holte
l rene and brydełł
Selde or neuere / a bydyng in opoynte
Now passyng besy / nowe dissolute now ydełł
Now a good felowe / now ałł out of ioynte
Now smothe now stark / now like an hard purpoynt
Now as the peys / of a diałł gotħ
Now gerysħ glad / and a noon after wrotħ
Liche as in ver men gretly them delyte
To be holde / the beaute souerayne
Of these blosomes / so
mme blewe rede and white
In whos fresshenesse no colour may atteyne
But tha
nne vnwarly / cometħ a wynde sodeyn
e •
Ffor no fauour list not for to spare
Ffresshnesse of braunches / for to make hem bare