Lat me not reste / nor haue no quiete
Occupye my soule witħ spirytuałł trauayle
To syng and seyn /
O m
ercy Ih
esu suete
My proteccioun geyn fendes in batayle
Set a syde ałł odir apparayłł
And in Ih
esu / putte ałł hole myn affyaunce
Tresour of resoures / that me may most a vaiłł
Graunt or I deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce
My feytħ myn hope / to the Ih
esu dotħ calle
Whiche glorious name shałł neu
er out of my mende
I shałł the seke / what happe that euer be falle
Be gr
ace and m
ercy / in trust I shal the fynde
And but I dede trewly I were vnkynde
Whicħ for my sake / were perced with a launce
On to the herte Ih
esu left not be hynde
Graunt or I deye shryfte hosel repentaunce
Ther is no god Ih
esu but thou allone
Souereynest / and eke most mercyfułł
Ffayrest of fayre / erly late and sone
Stable and most strong / pietous and m
Reformyng / synneres that ben in vertu dułł
Dauntyng the proude / mekenesse to enhaunce
Thy tu
nne of mercy / is eu
er a liche fułł
Graunt or I deye / shryft hosel repentaunce