With maria called Maudeleyne
Erly eche morowe / whil that my lyf may dure
Ffro slouthe
and slombre / I shal my self restreyne
To seke
Ihesu at his sepulture
Whom for to fynde / if þat I may recure
To haue possessio
un / of hym at liberte
There were in erthe / no ry cchere creature
To whom ech wyght / bowe shall hys kne
In m
Ihesu / to putte averay preef
Of his m
ercy / that no man disespeyre
Vpon the cros / gaf graunt onto the theef
To paradys / with hym to repayre
Toke out of helle soules many a peyre
Maugre Cerberus and ałł his cruelle
Haue mercy on alle / that bowe to the her kne
The name of
Ihesu swettest of names alle
Geyn gostly venymes / holsomest tryaacle
Ffor who so eu
er / to this name calle
Of cankered surfetes / fynt reles be myracle
To ony blynde light lanterne and spectacle
And bryghtest merour / of alle felicite
Support and sheld / defence
and chief obstacle
To alle that knele / to
Ihesu •