Ffirst where as I for sook myn owne wylle
Shette with a look of obedience
Tobeye my soueretnes / as it was rygħt
& skylle
To folowe the skole of p
erfyȝt pacience
To myn Eynes doon worshep
& reuerence
Ffolowyng the reuers / toke ałł an other weye
What I was boden / I koude weel disobeye
With tonge at large / and brotel conscyence
Ful of wordes / disordinat of language
Rekeles to kepe my lyppes in silence
Moutħ eyen and eres / token ther avauntage
To haue ther cours / onbrydeled be outrage
Out of the reynes / of attemp
To sensualyte / gaf ałł there gouernaunce
Wacche out of tyme / ryot and dronkenesse
Vnfructuous talkyng / Intomp
erat diete
To veyn fables / I dyd myn eres dresse
Ffals detraccioun among was to me swette
To talke of vertu me thougħt it was not mete
To my corage / nor my compleccioun
Nor nat that sowned toward p