Condigne laude / nor comendacio
Youe to this name / ther can no tunge telle
Of gostly fode / rycchest refeccioun
Hedespryng of grace / of lyf conduyt
and welle
Ihesu named / ther dere no dragoun dwelle
Blyssedest bawme / of our felicite
Alle cankered sores / And poyso
uns to repelle
Ffrom them to
Ihesu / that knele vpon ther kne
This name
Ihesu / be interpretacio
Is for to seyn / our blessed savyour
e •
Our strong samso
un / þat strangled the lyo
Our lord our makere /
and oure creatoure
And be his passio
un / fro deth oure redemptiour
e •
Our orphevs that from captiuyte
Ffette Erudice / to his celestiałł tour
To whom alle creatures / bowe shałł ther kne
At welles fyve / licour I shal drawe
To wasshe the ruste / of my synnes blyve
Where al mysteryes / of the olde and newe lawe
Toke oryginałł / moraly to discryve
I mene te welles / of Crystes woundes fyve
Wher by we cleyme of mercyful piete
Thorow helpe of
Ihesu at gracious port taryde
There to haue m
ercy / knelyng on our kne