.I. in
Ihesu sette in iocunditas
and grounde / of ałł gostly gladnesse
.E. next in ordre / is eternitas
Tokene And signe / of et
ernall bryghtnesse
.S. sette for sanitas / socour ageyn sekenesse
.V. for vbertas / of sprituałł plente
.S. for suauitas / from whom comyth ałł suetnesse
To them that knele / to
Ihesu on there kne
. in
ihesu / is ioye that neuere shałł ende
.E. signyfieth / euerlastyng suffisaunce
.S. our sauacio
un / whan we shałł hens wende
.V. his fyve woundes þ
at made vs acquietaunce
Ffro sathanes mygħt / thurgħ his meke sufferaunce
.S. for the sacrament / whicħ eche day we may se
In forme of bred / to saue vs fro myschaunce
Whan we devoutly / receyue it on our kne
. for[fro]
Iacob /
. from habraham
The lyne descendyng be generacio
.C. stant for crist / that from heuene kam
Born of a mayde for oure redempcioun
The sharpe titel / tokene of his passioun
Whan he was nayled vpon the rood tre
O blyssed
Ihesu / do remyssioun
To alle that aske / m
ercy on ther kne