a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Harley 218 Verses

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f.66 recto
Folio 52 VersoFolio 53 RectoFolio 53 VersoFolio 54 RectoFolio 54 VersoFolio 55 RectoFolio 55 VersoFolio 56 RectoFolio 56 VersoFolio 57 RectoFolio 57 VersoFolio 58 RectoFolio 58 VersoFolio 59 RectoFolio 59 VersoFolio 60 RectoFolio 60 VersoFolio 61 RectoFolio 61 VersoFolio 62 RectoFolio 62 VersoFolio 63 RectoFolio 63 VersoFolio 64 RectoFolio 64 VersoFolio 65 RectoFolio 65 VersoFolio 66 RectoFolio 66 VersoFolio 67 RectoFolio 67 VersoFolio 68 RectoFolio 68 VersoFolio 69 RectoFolio 69 VersoFolio 70 RectoFolio 70 VersoFolio 71 RectoFolio 71 VersoFolio 72 Recto

Folio 66 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Ffor litel wrotħ / to stryue with my felowe
As my passiouns did / my brydełł lede
Of the yerde1 sumtyme I stood in age awe
To be skoured2 that was al my drede
Lotħ toward skole / lost my tyme in dede
Lyke a yong colt / that rab wutg iyt brydełł
Made my frendes ther good to spond spend in ydełł
I had in custome to come to skole late
Nat for to lerne but for a contenaunce
With3 my felawes redy to debate
To Iangle an Iape was sett ałł my plesaunce
Wher4 of rebuked this was my chevesaunce
To forge a lesyng / and thervpon to muse
Whanne5 I trespaced / my selven to excuse
To my better did no reuerence
Of my sovereynes / gaf no force at ałł
Wex6 obstynat7 / by Inobedience
Ran in to gardeynes / apples there I stałł
To gadre frutes spared nedir hegge nor wałł
To plukke grapes In other mennes vynes
Was8 more redy / tħan for to sey mateynes
  1. The EETS edition has "yerd" here, but there is a terminal "e" in the manuscript that is not reflected in the edition.
  2. The EETS edition has "skowred" here, but the manuscript has "skoured" here.
  3. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  4. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  5. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  6. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  7. The EETS edition has "obstinat" here, but the manuscript has "obstynat."
  8. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.