Ffor litel wrotħ / to stryue with my felowe
As my passio
uns did / my brydełł lede
Of the yerde sumtyme I stood in
age awe
To be skoured that was al my drede
Lotħ toward skole / lost my tyme in dede
Lyke a yong colt / that rab wutg iyt brydełł
Made my frendes ther good to
spond spend in ydełł
I had in custome to come to skole late
Nat for to lerne but for a contenaunce
With my felawes redy to debate
To Iangle an Iape was sett ałł my plesaunce
Wher of rebuked this was my chevesaunce
To forge a lesyng / and thervpon to muse
ne I trespaced / my selven to excuse
To my bett
er did no reuerence
Of my sovereynes / gaf no force at ałł
Wex obstynat / by Inobedience
Ran in to gardeynes / apples ther
e I stałł
To gadre frutes spared nedir hegge nor wałł
To plukke grapes In other mennes vynes
Was more redy / tħan for to sey mateynes