His holy rewle was onto me rad
And expouned in ful notable wyse
Be vertuous men / religious and sad
Fful weel experte / discrete prudent and wys
Of observaunces / of many gostly empryse
I herd ałł weel / but towchyng to the dede
Of that thei taught / I toke litel hede
Of religioun I wered / a blak habite
Only outward / as be apparence
To folowe that charge / sauoured but fullyte
Saue be a maner counterfete p
But in effect ther was none existence
Like the ymage / of pygmalyo
Shewed lyfly / and was made but of sto
Vpon the ladder / witħ staves thryves thre
The .ix. degress / of vertuous mekenesse
Called in the reule / grees of humylite
Wheron tascende / my feet me lyst not dresse
But be a maner / feyned fals humblenesse
So couertly whan folkes were presente
On to shewe outward / another in myn entent