Do m
Ihesu / or we hens passe
Out of this p
erilous dredful pilgrymage
Be sette with brygauntes leyd / wayte in euery place
Witħ mortałł saute / to lette our passage
Among other I that am falle in age
Gretly feblysshed of old infirmite
Crye vnto
Ihesu / for my synfułł outrage
Rigħt of hole herte / thus knelyng on my kne
Lat nat be lost / that thou hast bought so dere
With gold nor syluer / but with thi p
recious blood
Our flesshe is freel / but short abydyng here
The olde s
erpent malicious and wood
The world vnstable / now ebbe now is flood
Eche thyng concludyng / on mutabilite
Geyn whos daungeres / I hold this counsel gode
To prei for m
ercy / to
Ihesu •