First zepherus / with his blastes sote
Enspireth ver / with newe buddes grene
The bavme ascendetħ out of eu
ery rote
Causyng with flowre / ageyn the sunne shene
May among monthes / sitt like a quene
Hir suster Apryłł / watryng hir gardeynes
Witħ holsom shoures sad in the tender vynes
This tyme of ver / flora doth hir cure
With soleyne motlees / passyng fresħ
Purpel colours wrougħt be dame nature
Mounteyns vales and medewes for to tarrye
Hir warderobe open / list not to delaye
Large mesure / to shewe out and to shede
Witħ holsom shoures sad in the tender vynes
This seso
un ver / most plesaunt to childhode
With hir chapelettes / grene white and rede
In whiche tyme / the newe yong blode
Hote and moyste / ascendetħ vp in dede
Reioyssyng hertes / as it a brode doth sprede
Wenyng this seso
un among ther myrthes alle
Sholde neue
r discrecen nor appalle