Ver and eche seso
un / mut by processe fade
In ver of age / may be no sekernesse
Eche hatħ his houres hevy and eke galde
Ther sesouns meynt / witħ ioye and hevynesse
Now fayr now foule / now helth now sekenesse
To shewe a maner likenesse and ymage
Our dwellyng here is but a pilgrymage
And for my part I can remembre weełł
Whan I was gladdest in that fresshe seso
Lyke brotel glasse / not stable nor like stełł
Ffer out of harre / wilde of condicio
Fful geyssħ and voyde of ałł reso
Lyke a phane ay turnyng to and froo
Or like an orloge / wħan the peys is goo
Youe to outhryfte and dissolucioun
Stode onbrydeled of ałł gouernaunce
Whicħ remembryng / by meke confessyoun
Now with my potent
o to fynde allegeaunce
Of olde surfetes / contrite with repentaunce
To the Ih
esu I make my passage
Rehersyng trespaces / don in my tender age