a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Harley 218 Verses

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f.61 recto
Folio 52 VersoFolio 53 RectoFolio 53 VersoFolio 54 RectoFolio 54 VersoFolio 55 RectoFolio 55 VersoFolio 56 RectoFolio 56 VersoFolio 57 RectoFolio 57 VersoFolio 58 RectoFolio 58 VersoFolio 59 RectoFolio 59 VersoFolio 60 RectoFolio 60 VersoFolio 61 RectoFolio 61 VersoFolio 62 RectoFolio 62 VersoFolio 63 RectoFolio 63 VersoFolio 64 RectoFolio 64 VersoFolio 65 RectoFolio 65 VersoFolio 66 RectoFolio 66 VersoFolio 67 RectoFolio 67 VersoFolio 68 RectoFolio 68 VersoFolio 69 RectoFolio 69 VersoFolio 70 RectoFolio 70 VersoFolio 71 RectoFolio 71 VersoFolio 72 Recto

Folio 61 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Ver and eche sesoun / mut by processe fade
In ver of age / may be no sekernesse
Eche hatħ his houres hevy and eke galde
Ther sesouns meynt / witħ ioye and hevynesse
Now fayr now foule / now helth now sekenesse
To shewe a maner likenesse and ymage
Our dwellyng here is but a pilgrymage
And for my part I can remembre weełł
Whan1 I was gladdest in that fresshe sesoon
Lyke brotel glasse / not stable nor like stełł
Ffer out of harre / wilde of condicioun
Fful geyssħ and voyde of ałł resoun
Lyke2 a phane ay turnyng to and froo3
Or like an orloge / wħan the peys is goo
Youe to outhryfte and dissolucioun
Stode onbrydeled of ałł gouernaunce
Whicħ4 remembryng / by meke confessyoun
Now with my potento to fynde allegeaunce
Of olde surfetes / contrite with repentaunce
To the Ihesu I make my passage
Rehersyng trespaces / don in my tender age
  1. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  2. There is a terminal "e" in the manuscript witness, but the EETS edition has "Lyk."
  3. The EETS edition has "fro," rather than "froo," here.
  4. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.