Saue me thy s
eruaunt /
O lord in thy m
Ffor lak of whicħ lat me niot be confounded
Ffor in the Ih
esu myn hope stand fynally
And ałł my trust / in the Ih
esu is grounded
Ffor my synnes / thynke Ih
esu thou were wounded
Naked on the rode / be mortałł gret penaunce
Be whicħ the power / of Sathan was confounded
Graunt or I deye shryfte hosel repentaunce
Thou art Ih
esu / my socour and refuge
Geyn euery tempest / and tribulacioun
That worldly wawes / with ther mortałł deluge
Ne drowne me nat / in the dredful dongeoun
Where caribdes / hath domynacioun
And Circes syngeth songes of distur baunce
To passe that daunger / be my proteccioun
Graunt or I deye shryft hosel repentaunce
Who shal yeve me licħ to myn entent
That thou Ih
esu / mayst make thyn herburgage
Be receyvyng of tholy sacrament
In to myn herte whicħ is to myn olde age
Repast eternałł / geyn ałł foreyn damage
Dewly receyved / with deuout observaunce
Celestiałł guerdo
un ende of my pilgrymage
Is shryft / and hosel/ and hertly repentaunce