a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Harley 218 Verses

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f.64 recto
Folio 52 VersoFolio 53 RectoFolio 53 VersoFolio 54 RectoFolio 54 VersoFolio 55 RectoFolio 55 VersoFolio 56 RectoFolio 56 VersoFolio 57 RectoFolio 57 VersoFolio 58 RectoFolio 58 VersoFolio 59 RectoFolio 59 VersoFolio 60 RectoFolio 60 VersoFolio 61 RectoFolio 61 VersoFolio 62 RectoFolio 62 VersoFolio 63 RectoFolio 63 VersoFolio 64 RectoFolio 64 VersoFolio 65 RectoFolio 65 VersoFolio 66 RectoFolio 66 VersoFolio 67 RectoFolio 67 VersoFolio 68 RectoFolio 68 VersoFolio 69 RectoFolio 69 VersoFolio 70 RectoFolio 70 VersoFolio 71 RectoFolio 71 VersoFolio 72 Recto

Folio 64 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Saluum me fac / in misericordia tua domine1
Saue me thy seruaunt / O lord in thy mercy
Ffor lak of whicħ lat me niot be confounded
Ffor in the Ihesu myn hope stand fynally
And ałł my trust / in the Ihesu is grounded
Ffor my synnes / thynke Ihesu thou were wounded
Naked on the rode / be mortałł gret penaunce
Be whicħ the power / of Sathan was confounded
Graunt or I deye shryfte hosel repentaunce
Tu es refugium meum a tribulacione2
Thou art Ihesu / my socour and refuge
Geyn euery tempest / and tribulacioun
That worldly wawes / with ther mortałł deluge
Ne drowne me nat / in the dredful3 dongeoun4
Where5 caribdes / hath domynacioun6
And Circes syngeth songes of distur baunce
To passe that daunger / be my proteccioun
Graunt or I deye shryft hosel repentaunce
Qus dabit michi venias in cor meum7
Who8 shal yeve me licħ to myn entent
That thou Ihesu / mayst make thyn herburgage9
Be receyvyng of tholy10 sacrament
In to myn herte whicħ is to myn olde age
Repast eternałł / geyn ałł foreyn damage
Dewly receyved / with deuout observaunce
Celestiałł guerdoun ende of my pilgrymage
Is shryft / and hosel/ and hertly repentaunce
  1. This is bracketed on both sides.
  2. This is bracketed on the right.
  3. The EETS edition has a double "l" here, but the manuscript lacks this. I assume this is done to make it mirror "mortall" in the text, but MacCracken also neglected to bar the "l" as the manuscript does.
  4. The terminal "n" here has a curved suspension mark but this appears to be otiose.
  5. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  6. The terminal "n" here has a curved suspension mark but this appears to be otiose.
  7. This is bracketed on the right.
  8. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  9. The EETS edition has "herbergage" here, but the fifth glyph is cannot be an "e."
  10. The EETS edition has "Holy," while the manuscript has "tholy."