My port my pas / my foot ałł wey vnstable
My loke myn eyen vnsure and vagabound
In alle my werkes / sodeynly chaungeable
To ałł good thewees / contrarye I was founde
Now ouersadd now mornyng now iocounde
Wilfful rekles / made stertyng as an hare
To folowe my lust / for noman wold I spare
Entryng this tyme / in to relygioun
On to the plowe I put forth myn hond
A yere complete / made my p
Consideryng / litel charge of thilke bond
Of p
erfeccioun / fulgode exaumple I fond
Ther techyng good / in me was the lake
Whicħ lothes wyf I loked often a bak
Taugħt of my maystres be vertuous disciplyne
My loke restreyne and kepe my sygħt
Of blyssed Benet / to folowe the doctryne
Be the aduertence of myn Inward sygħt
Cast to godward / of hole affeccioun
To folowe thempryses / of my p