Be holde Ih
esus / made our redempcioun
With water of baptem / from fylthe wesshe vs clene
And fro his herte / to licours ther ran dou
n •
Caluerye / the trouthe was weel sene
Whan that longious / with a spere kene
Perced his herte / vpon the rode tre
O man vnkende / thynke what this dothe mene
And vn to Ih
esu / bowe a dovne thy kne
Ther is no speche / nor language can remembre
Lettre sillable / nor word that may expresse
Thougħ into tunges / were turned eu
ery membre
Of man to telle the excellent noblesse
Of blessed ih
esu / whicħ of his gret mekenesse
List suffre deth / to make his servant fre
Now m
ercyful ih
esu / for thyn hygħ goodnesse
Haue m
ercy on alle / that bowe to the her kne
The prynce was slayn
e / þe s
eruaunt went at large
And to delyve
r his soget / from priso
The lord toke on hym for to bere the charge
To quyte mankynde / be oblacioun
Sealed with .v. woundes he payed our raunso
Man to restore / to Parades hys Cite
Is not man bounde / I aske this questioun
To blessed Ih
esu for to bowe his kne .