Suffre of m
ercy / I may to the speke
Oblyssed Ih
esu / and godely do aduerte
Who shal yeue me / leyther out to breke
That thou Ih
esu / mayst entrete in myn herte
There to abyde / more nere than my sherte
Whit aureat l
etres / graue there in substaunce
Provide for me / and lat it not asterte
Graunt or I deye / shryft hosel repenta
Sey to my soule Ih
esu / thou art myn helthe
Heryng this voys / after I shal pursue
Skoure that place / from ałł gostly fylthe
And vices alle fro thens to remewe
Thyn holy gost / close in that lytel mewe
Part no lyghtly / make soche chevisaunce
Tencrece in vertu / and vices to eschewe
And or I deye / shryft hosel repentaunce
Shewe glad thy face / and thy lyght do
un shede
The m
ercyful lygħt of thyn eyȝen tweyne
On me thi servaunt / whicħ htath so mocħ nede
Ffor his synnes to wepe and compleyne
And blyssed Ih
esu of m
ercy not disdeyne
Thi gracious shoures lat reyne in abundaunce
Vpon myn herte / tadween euery veyne
And or I deye shryft hosel repentaunce