The whicħ word / whan I dyd vndirstond
In my last / age takyng the sentence
Ther on remembryng / my penne I toke in honde
Gan to wryte with humble reuerence
On this word vide / with humble diligence
In remembraunce / of crystes passioun
This litel dite / this compilacioun
Be holde o man lyft vp tyn eye and see
What mortałł peyne I suffre for thi trespace
With pietous voys / I crye and sey to the
Be hold my woundes / behold my blody face
Be holde the rebukes that do me so manace
Be holde myn enemyes that do me so despice
And how that /
I to reforme the to grace
Was like a lambe offred in sacryfice