Be hold my loue / and gyf me thyn ageyn
n •
Be hold I deyde thy raunsom for to peye
Se howe myn herte is open brode and pleyn
Thy gostly enemyes onely to affraye
d hardere batayle no man myght assayld
Of ałł tryumphes / the grettest hye empryse
Wher for o man / no lenger to dysmaye
I gaf for the / my blood in sacryfice
Turne home a geyn / thy synne do forsake
Be hold and se / yf ougħt be left be hynde
How I to m
ercy / am redy the to take
Gyf me thyn herte / and be no more vnkynde
Thy loue and myn / to gedyr do hem bynde
And late hem neuer
e parte in no wyse
n thou were lost / thy sowle ageyn to fynde
My blod I offred for the in sacryfice
rente thes thynges in thyn inward thought
And graue hem depe in thy remembraunce
Thynke on hem and forgete hem
Al this I suffred to do the allegeaunce
And with my seyntes to yeve the suffisaunce
In the hevenly court / for the I do devyse
A place eternałł a place of ałł plesaunce
Ffor whicħ my blood I gaf in sacryfice