My wrecched lyf tamende and correcte
I me purpose witħ support of thi grace
Thy detħ thy passioun / thy ☩ crosse shałł me directe
Whicħ suffredest detħ Ih
esu for our trespace
I wrecche vn worthy / to loke vpon thy face
Thy fete enbracyng / fro whicħ I shałł not twynne
Mercy requyryng / thus I wyłł be gynne
O myghty lord / of powere myghtyest
Witħ out wħom / alle force is febylnesse
Ihesu / of gode godlyest
Mercy thy bedel / or thou thy domes dresse
Dylayest rigour / to punishe my wykednesse
Lengest abydyng / lothest to do vengeaunce
O blessed Ih
esu / of thyn higħ goodnesse
Graunt or I deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce