One with the first / to take my disporte
Last that aros / to come to the quere
In contemplacioun I fond but smałł comforte
Holy histories did to me no chier
I savoured more in good wyne that was clere
And eu
ery houre / my passage for to dresse
As I seyd erst / to ryot or excesse
Kowde gruccħ and fond no cause why
Causeles ofte compleynyng on my fare
Geyn my correcciouns answered frowardly
With oute reuerence list to man to spare
Of ałł vertu and pacience I was bare
Of rekles youthe list non hede to take
What cryst Ih
esu / suffred for my sake
Which now remembryng / in my later age
Tyme of my childhode / as I reherse shałł
Wyth Inne xv. holdyng / my passage
Myd of a cloyster / depicte vpon a wałł
I savgħ a crucifyx whos wound
es wer
e •
With this vide wrete there be syde
Be hold my mekenesse
O child And love thy pryde