Age is crepe in / calleth me to my grave
To make rekenyng / how I my tyme haue spent
Bareyne of vertu / allas who shałł me saue
Ffro fendes daunger
e / tacounte for my talent
Ihesu be my staf And my potent
Ouerstreite audite / while tencombre me
Or dome by youen / but mercy be present
To alle that knele to
Ihesu •
Now in the name / of my lord
Ihesu •
Of ryght hole herte / in ałł my best entent
My lif remembryng froward
and vicious
Ay contrarye / to the comaundement
Cryst Ihesu now with avisement
The lord be sechyng / to haue mercy And piete
My youthe myn age / hou þ
at I haue myspente
With this word seid / knelyng on my kne
O Ihesu m
ercy / with support of thi grace
Ffor thi meke passio
un / remembre on my compeynte
Duryng my lyf with many gret trespace
By many wrong path / where I haue myswente
I now purpose be thy grace influent
To wryte a trites / of surfetes don to the
And calle it my last testament