The yeres passed / of my tender youthe
Of my fresshe age / sered the grennesse
Lust appalled / thexp
erience is kouthe
The onweldy Ioyntes / starked with rudeneese
The cloudy sigħt / mysted with dirkenesse
With out redresse / recure or amendes
To me of detħ / han brought in the kalendes
Of myspent tyme / a fole may weel compleyne
Thing impossible / a geyn for to recure
Dayes lost in ydel . no man may restreyne
Them to reforme / by none aventure
Eche mortałł man / is called to the lure
Of detħ allas / vncerteyne the passage
Whos chief marynere / is called crokd age.
One of his bedeles / named febelnesse
Cam with his potent / in stede of a mace
Somouned me / and after cam sekenesse
Malencolyk erthely / and pale of face
With ther waraunt / there tweyne can manace
How detħ of me / his dewe dette soughte
And to a bed of langoure / ther me brought make it clear this is an otiose mark.