Suffre me to haue savour nor swetnesse
But in thy name / that called is Ih
Alle foreyn thyng / to me make bitternesse
Saue only Ih
esu / most souereyne of vertu
To my professioun / accordyng and most du
ere to be prented / in my remembraunce
At myn ende / to graunt me this issu
To fore my detħ / shryft hosel repentaunce
No lord but Ih
esu most m
ercyable and benygne
Whicħ of m
ercy toke our humanyte
And of loue to shew a souereyn sygne
Suffredest passyoun / vpon the rode tre
Only to fraunchyse / our mortalite
Whicħ stode in daungere / of Sathanes encoumbra
Or I passe hens Ih
esu graunt onto me
To fore my detħ shryfte hosel and repentaunce
I am excited / and meved of nature
This name Ih
esu / souereynly to preyse
Name co
mmended / most hyghly in scrypture
Whicħ name hath powere / dede men to reyse
To lyf eternałł whos vertu dotħ so peyse
Ageyn my synnes weyed in balaunce
That grace and m
ercy shal so counterpeyse
Graunt or I
de deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce •