Where here on to me / a noon did appere
Whiłł that I lay / compleynyng in a trance
Clad in a mentełł / a woman sad of chere
Blak was here abyte sobre of countenaunce
Straunge of hir porte / froward of dalyaunce
Castyng here looke / to me ward in certeyne
Licħ of me / she hadde but dysdeyne
This seid woman / was called remembraunce
Of syspent tyme in youthes lustynesse
Whiche to recorde / did me gret grevaunce
Than cam her suster / named pensifnesse
Ffor olde surfetes / and gan onto me dresse
a woofulbylle / whicħ brougħt vnto mynde
My gret out rages / of long tyme left be hynde
Lyggyng a lone I gan
ne to ymagyne
How with .iiij. tymes / departed is the yere
Ffirst how in ver / the soyle tenlumyne
Buddes gyn open / a geyne the sunne clere
The bavme vp reysed / most souereyne and entere
Out of the rote dotħ naturally ascende
With newe lyffre / the bareyne soyle tamende