And one request in especyałł
Graunt me Ih
esu whil I am here a lyve
Euere haue prented / in my memoriałł
The remembraunce / of thy woundes fyve
Nayles with the spere that dys theyn herte ryve
Thy croune of thorn
e / whicħ was no smal penaunce
Language and tunge / me dewly for to shryve
The holy vnccioun . shryft hosel repentaunce
Alle the tokenes of thy passioun
I prey the Ih
esu grave hem in my memorie
Dewly marke / myd Centre of my reso
On calvery thy triumphałł victorie
Man to restore / to thyn et
ernałł glorie
Be meditacioun / of thi meke sfferaunce
Out of this exile vnseur and transitorye
And wħan I passe hosel shryfte repentaunce
Of thy m
ercy requyryng the to myne
Of my mende the myd poynt / most profounde
This word Ih
esu . my .v. wittes tenlumyne
In lengtħ
& brede like a large wounde
Alle ydel thought
es tavoyde hem and confounde
Thi cros thy skorges thy garneme
nt cast at chaunce
The rope the peler to whicħ thowe were bounde
Graunt or I deye / shryft hosel repentaunce