This seso
un ver / stant neue
r in no certeyne
Ffor su
honour on houre / thougħ phebus freshly shyne
In Marches wederes / it wyłł sodeynly reyne
Whicħ of the day / ałł dirkenesse doth declyne
And semblably / a lyknesse to dyffyne
Men sen chyldren / of byrth yong and grene
Buryed with Inne / the yeres fiftene
Whan ver is fresshest / of blosmes and of floures
An vnware storme his freshnesse may appayre
Who may with stonde the sterne sharp schoures
Of dethes powere / where hym list repayre
Thougħt fetures fresshe / angelyke and fayre
Shewe out of chyld hode as ony crystałł clere
Deth can difface hem / withynne .xv. yeer
Veres seso
un / doth but a while a bide
Skarsly . iij . monethes he holdeth here soiour
The age of chyldhode / rekene on the tother syde
In hys encrese / vp growyng as a floure
But whan that deth / manaseth with his shour
In suche case / he can
ne no more defence
Than croked age in his most impotence