I fele myn herte brotel and roynous
Nat purified Ih
esu ther in to reste
But as a carpentere cometħ to a broken hous
Or an artificer repareth a reven cheste
So thou Ih
esu of crafty men the best
Repare my thougħt broke with mysgouernaunce
Visite my soule / my herte of stele to breste
Graunt or I deye shryfte hosel repentaunce
With wepyng /
chereyen and contrite chere
Accepte me Ih
esu and my co
mpleynt conceyve
As most onworthy tappere at thyn autere
Whicħ in my self / no vertu apparceyve
But yf thy m
ercy / be grace me receyve
Be synful leuyng / brought onto outraunce
Pray with good hope whicħ may not disseyve
Graunt or I deye shryfte hosel repentaunce
Cryeng to the tha deydest on the rode
Whicħ with thy blood / were steyned
& made reed
And on sherthursday / gaf vs on our
Thi blessed body Ih
esu informe of brede
To me most synfułł graunt or I be ded
To cleyme be m
ercy for myn enhertaunce
That witħ sharp thorn
e were crovned on þ
i hed
Or I passe hens / shryfte hosel and repentaunce