Be hold the paynemes / of whom that I was take
Be hold the cordes / with which þat I was bounde
Be hold the Armoures / which made my herte to quake
Be hold the gardeyn In which þat I was founde
Be hold how Iudas / toke xxx pens rounde
Be hold his tresoun / beholde his couetyse
Be hold how I / with mortałł wounde
Was like a lambe offred in sacrifice
So my discyple / which that hath me sold
And se this feyned fals salutacioun
And se the monye / whicħ that he hath told
And se his kyssyng and false decepcioun
Be hold also the compassed false tresoun
Take as a thef / with lanternes in ther guyse
And afterwarde for mannes redemcioun
Was like a lambe offered in sacryfice
Be hold to cayphas how he was p
Be hold how Pilat lyst ȝeve me no respite
Be hold how bysshopes / were to my deth assented
And se how herawde had me in despite
And like a fool how I was clad in whight
Drawen as a feloun in most cruełł wyse
And last of alle I after ther deligħt
Was like a lambe offered in sacryfice