Be hold the mynystres / whicħ had me in kepyng
Be hold the peler and the ropes stronge
Where I was bounde my sydes dovn bledyng
Most felly bete with skorges long
Be hold the batayle that I did vnderfonge
The bront abyding of ther mortałł empryse
Thorgh ther accusyng / and ther sklaundres wrong
Was like a lambe offered in sacryfice
Be hold and se the hatefułł wrecchednesse
Put a geyn me to my confusioun
Myn eyen hyd / and blended with derkenesse
Bete and eke bobbed by false illusioun
Salued in skorn
e / be ther fals knelyng dovn
Be hold al this / and se the mortal guyse
How I only for mannes salvacioun
Was like a lombe offered in sacryfice
Se the witnesse be whom I was deceyved
Be hold the Iuges / that gaf my Iugement
Be hold the crosse that was for me devysed
Be hold my body / with betyng ałł to rent
Be hold the peple / whicħ of fals entent
ds dyd a geyn me ryse
Whiche like a lambe of malys Innocent
Was like a lambe offered in sacryfice