Thougħ thou be myghty thou art eke mercyable
To alle folkes / that mekely hem repente
Ia wrecche contagyous and coupable
To alle outrages redy for tassent
But of hole herte / and wyłł in myn entente
Of olde and newe / ałł vicious gouernaunce
Of youthe of age and of mys tyme spente
Graunte or I deye / shryft hosel repentaunce
Of my confessyoun / receyve the sacryfice
Be my tunge vp offered on to the
That I may seyn in ałł my best guyse
Mekely with dauid haue mercy [vp]on me
Saue alle my sores / that they ne can kred be
With noon olde rust of dysesperaunce
Whicħ of hole herte crye vpon my kne
Graunt or I deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce
O Ihesu Ihesu here myn orysoun
Brydel myn outrage vnder thy disciplyne
Ffetre sensualite / enlumyne my resoun
To folowe the traces of spirituałł doctryne
Lat thi grace lede me as ryght as lyne
With humble herte / to leve to thy plesaunce
And blyssed
Ihesu / or I this lyf shal fyne
Graunt or I deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce