a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Harley 218 Verses

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f.62 recto
Folio 52 VersoFolio 53 RectoFolio 53 VersoFolio 54 RectoFolio 54 VersoFolio 55 RectoFolio 55 VersoFolio 56 RectoFolio 56 VersoFolio 57 RectoFolio 57 VersoFolio 58 RectoFolio 58 VersoFolio 59 RectoFolio 59 VersoFolio 60 RectoFolio 60 VersoFolio 61 RectoFolio 61 VersoFolio 62 RectoFolio 62 VersoFolio 63 RectoFolio 63 VersoFolio 64 RectoFolio 64 VersoFolio 65 RectoFolio 65 VersoFolio 66 RectoFolio 66 VersoFolio 67 RectoFolio 67 VersoFolio 68 RectoFolio 68 VersoFolio 69 RectoFolio 69 VersoFolio 70 RectoFolio 70 VersoFolio 71 RectoFolio 71 VersoFolio 72 Recto

Folio 62 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Thougħ thou be myghty thou art eke mercyable
To alle folkes / that mekely hem repente
Ia wrecche contagyous and coupable
To alle outrages redy for tassent
But of hole herte / and wyłł in myn entente
Of olde and newe / ałł vicious gouernaunce
Of youthe of age and of mys tyme spente
Graunte or I deye / shryft hosel repentaunce
Of my confessyoun / receyve the sacryfice
Be my tunge vp offered on to the
That I may seyn in ałł my best guyse
Mekely with dauid haue mercy [vp]on me
Saue alle my sores / that they ne can kred be
With1 noon olde rust of dysesperaunce
Whicħ2 of hole herte crye vpon my kne
Graunt or I deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce
O Ihesu Ihesu here myn orysoun
Brydel myn outrage vnder thy disciplyne
Ffetre sensualite / enlumyne my resoun3
To folowe the traces of spirituałł doctryne
Lat thi grace lede me as ryght as lyne
With4 humble herte / to leve to thy plesaunce
And blyssed Ihesu5 / or I this lyf shal fyne
Graunt or I deye / shryfte hosel repentaunce
  1. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  2. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  3. There is a mark over the last three gylphs of the line, but both the rhyme scheme and the first line suggest that this is a otiose mark
  4. The rubricator only touched one half of the "w" glyph here.
  5. This is bracketed on the left.