a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.31 verso
Folio 27 Recto (page 55)Folio 27 Verso (page 56)Folio 28 Recto (page 57)Folio 28 Verso (page 58)Folio 29 Recto (page 59)Folio 29 Verso (page 60)Folio 30 Recto (page 61)Folio 30 Verso (page 62)Folio 31 Recto (page 63)Folio 31 Verso (page 64)

Folio 31 Verso (page 64)
Compare Witnesses:
Be welcome to yowe þis Cristmasse
And þeos edoone komeþe Inne þe feorþe lady cleped Dame feyre and wyse Attemperaunce
Þis feorþe lady þat yee seon heer
Humble debonayre / and sadde of cheer
Ycalled is Attemperaunce1
To sette al thing in gouuernaunce
And for hir sustres to provyde
Vyces alle shal circumsyde
And setten hem in stabulnesse
Witħ hir Cousin Soburnesse
She shal frome vyces hem restreyne
And in vertu holde hir reyne
And þer Inne gyf hem libertee
Eschuwing alle dishonestee
And hem enfourmen by prudence
ffor to haue pacyence
Lownesse and humylytee
And pruyde specyally to fee
Contynence frome gloutonye
Eschuwe deshoneste compaignyte
ffleen þe dees and þe taverne
And in soburnesse hem gouverne
Witħ hert al þat euer þey can
In vertu loven euery man
Sey þe best ay of entent
Woo þat seyþe weel, dooþe not Repent
Detraccoun2 and gloutouny
Voyde hem frome þy companye
And all Rancoure sette asuyde
Be not to hasty / but euer abyde
Specyally to doone vengeaunce
In aboode is no Repentaunce
And in vertu / whoo is þus sette
Þanne beo þeos sustres weel ymette
  1. This is bracketed on the left side and followed by a short line filler.
  2. The EETS edition has "Detraccion" here, but there is no indication that there is an "i" here. The suspension mark seems more likely to be a "u" based on the scribal practice elsewhere in the manuscript. Additional 29729, in comparison, has "detraction."