a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.32 recto
Folio 32 Recto (page 65)

Folio 32 Recto (page 65)
Compare Witnesses:
And sooþely if it beo discerned
Who by þeos foure / is þus gouuerned
Þus I mene þat by Prudence
He haue þe myrrour of Provydence
ffor to consider thinges alle
Naamely parylles / or þey falle
And who þat haue by gouuernaunce
Of Rigħtwysnesse þe ballaunce
And strongly holde in his diffence
Þe swerd of hir Magnyfycence1
Yee beon assured / frome al meschaunce
Namely whanne þat Attemperaunce
Hir sustre gouuerneþe al three
ffrome fortune2 yee may þane go free
Booþe alwey / in hert and thougħt
Whyle yee beo soo / ne dreed hir nougħt
But avoydeþe / hir acqweyntaunce
ffor hir double varyaunce
And fleoþe oute of hir companye
And alle þat beon / of hir allye
And yee foure susters gladde of cheer
Shoule abyde here al þis yeer
In þis housholde at libertee
And Ioye and al prosparytee
Witħ yowe to housholde yee shoule bring
And yee alle foure shal nowe sing
Witħ al youre hoole hert entiere
Some nuwe songe aboute þe fuyre
Suche oon as you lykeþe best
Lat ffortune go pley hir wher hir list
  1. The word is bracketed on the right.
  2. Bracketed on the right.