a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.28 recto
Folio 27 Recto (page 55)Folio 27 Verso (page 56)Folio 28 Recto (page 57)Folio 28 Verso (page 58)Folio 29 Recto (page 59)Folio 29 Verso (page 60)Folio 30 Recto (page 61)Folio 30 Verso (page 62)Folio 31 Recto (page 63)Folio 31 Verso (page 64)

Folio 28 Recto (page 57)
Compare Witnesses:
ffrom þat oon syde / yee may see
Ceryously wrougħt for þe noones
Of golde of syluer / and of stoones
Whos richesse / may not be tolde
But þat oþer syde / of þat hoolde
Is ebylt in ougly wyse
And ruynous / for to devyse
Daubed of clay is þat doungeoun
Ay in poynt to falle adoun
Þat oon fayre / by apparence
And þat ooþer in existence
Shaken witħ wyndes Rayne and hayle
And sodeynly / þer dooþe assayle
A raage floode / þat mancyoun
And ouerfloweþe it vp and doun
Her is no reskous / nor obstacle
Of þis ladyes habytacle
And as hir hous / is ay vnstable
Rigħt so hir self is deceynable
In oo poynt she is neuer elyche
Þis day she makeþe a man al ryche
And thorugħe / hir mutabilytee
Casteþe him to morowe / in pouertee
Þe proddest1 / she can gyve a fal
She made Alexaundre wynnen al
Þat noman him witħ stonde dare
And caste him dovne / er he was ware
So did sheo / Sesar Iulius
She made him first victorius
Þaugħe to do weel / sheo beo ful looþe
Of a Bakers sonne / in sooþe
She made him a migħty Emperour
And hool of Roome was gouuernour
Maugrey þe Senaat / and al þeyre migħt
sesar a bakars soon
  1. The second "d" glyph here is barred, but that does not appear to occur elsewhere in the witness. As such, I believe this bar to be an otiose mark.