And as hir hous / is ay
Rigħt so hir self is deceynable
In oo poynt she is neuer elyche
Þis day she makeþe a man al ryche
And thorugħe / hir mutabilytee
Casteþe him to morowe / in pouertee
Þe proddest
/ she can gyve a fal
She made
Alexaundre wynnen
Þat noman him witħ stonde dare
And caste him dovne / er he was ware
So did sheo /
Iulius •
She made him first victorius
Þaugħe to do weel / sheo beo ful looþe
Of a Bakers son
ne / in sooþe
She made him a migħty Emperour
And hool of Roome was gouuernour
Maugrey þe Senaat / and al þeyre migħt