a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.30 verso
Folio 27 Recto (page 55)Folio 27 Verso (page 56)Folio 28 Recto (page 57)Folio 28 Verso (page 58)Folio 29 Recto (page 59)Folio 29 Verso (page 60)Folio 30 Recto (page 61)Folio 30 Verso (page 62)Folio 31 Recto (page 63)Folio 31 Verso (page 64)

Folio 30 Verso (page 62)
Compare Witnesses:
Was witħ him / of acqweyntaunce
whicħ him made In his ententys
To gyf alle Rigħtwyse Iugementis
Wher fore þis lady whicħ yee heer see
Witħ hir balaunces / of equytee
Haþe þe scaalis hanged soo
Þat she haþe no thing to doo
Neuer witħ ffortunes doublenesse
ffor euer in oon stant Rigħtwysnesse
Nowher moeving / too ne froo
In no thing þat she haþe to doo
Takeþe heede þis fayre lady loo
Ycalled is ffortitudo
Whame philosophres by þeyre sentence
Ar wonte to cleepe Magnyfysence
And ffortitudo / sooþely sheo higħt
Ageyns alle vyces / for to figħt
Confermed as by surtee
Ageynst ałł adversytee
In signe wher of sheo bereþe a swerde
Þat sheo of no thing is aferd
ffor comune profit al so she
Of verray magnanymyte
Thinges gret dooþe vnderfonge
Taking enpryses wheeche beon stronge
And mooste sheo dooþe hir power preove
A comunaltee1 for to releeve
Namely vponn a grounde of trouthe
Þanne in hir þer is no slouthe
ffor to maynteyne þe goode comune
And alle þassautes of fortune
Of verray stidfastnesse of thougħt
Alle hir chaunges / she sette as nougħt
ffor þis vertu magnyfycence
  1. The EETS edition has "communalitee" here, but the number of minims in the word does not support this. BL Additional 29729 has "communalte."