Of alle vertues she is
ffor by þe scales / of hir balaunces
Sheo sette hem alle in
She putteþe a syde / it is no dreede
ffrensħip fauour and al kyns meede
Love and
drede / she setteþe at nougħt
ffor rigħtful doome may not beo bougħt
Rigħtwysnesse Who can
Haþe neyþer hande ner yegħe
She loste hir hande ful yore agoone
ffor she resceyueþe gyfftes noone
Noþer of freonde / neyþer of foo
And she haþe lost hir sigħt al soo
ffor of rigħt sheo dooþe p
Nougħt for to looke on neyþer syde
To hyegħe estate / ner lowe degree
But dooþe to boþen al equytee
And makeþe noon excepcyoun
To neyþer part but of Raysoun
And for þe pourpos of þis mater
Of a Iuge yee shal heere
Whicħ neuer his lyff of entent
By his lippes of falsnesse
Of whome þe story dooþe expresse
Affter his deeþe / by acountes cleer
More þane three hundreþe yeer
His body as is made mencyoun
Was tourned vn to
Þe story telleþe it is no dreed
But lyche a Roos / swoote an reed
Mouþe and lippes werne yfounde
Nougħt corrupte / but hoole and sounde
ffor trouthis þat he did expresse
In alle hees doomes of Ritħwysnesse