a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.29 verso
Folio 27 Recto (page 55)Folio 27 Verso (page 56)Folio 28 Recto (page 57)Folio 28 Verso (page 58)Folio 29 Recto (page 59)Folio 29 Verso (page 60)Folio 30 Recto (page 61)Folio 30 Verso (page 62)Folio 31 Recto (page 63)Folio 31 Verso (page 64)

Folio 29 Verso (page 60)
Compare Witnesses:
By þe pourveyaunce of hir forsigħt
And hir myrrour called provydence
is strong to make Resistance
In hir forsigħt as it is Rigħt
Ageyns fortune / and al hir migħt
ffor Senec seyþe / who þat can see
Þat prudence / haþe eyegħen three
Specyally in hir lookynges
To considre / three maner thinges
Alweyes by good avysement
Thinges passed and eeke present
And thinges affter þat shal falle
And she mot looke / first of alle
And doon hir Inwarde besy peyne
Thinges present for to ordeyne
Avysely on euery syde
And future thinges for to provyde
Þe thinges passed in substaunce
ffor to haue in Remembraunce
And who þus dooþe I say þat hee
Verrayly haþe yegħen three
Comitted vn to his diffence
Þe trowe myrrour of prouydence
Þane þis lady is his guyde
him to defende on euery syde
Ageyns fortune / goode and peruerse
And al hir power for to reuerse
ffor fraunchysed and liberte
ffrome his power to goo free
Stonde alle folkes in sentence
Wheeche beon gouerned by Prudence
i. providencia
Seoþe here þis lady Rigħtwysnesse