By þe pourveyaunce of hir forsigħt
And hir myrrour called
provydence •
is strong to make Resistance
In hir forsigħt as it is Rigħt
Ageyns fortune / and al hir migħt
Senec seyþe / who þat can
prudence / haþe eyegħen
Specyally in hir lookynges
To considre / three maner thinges
Alweyes by good avysement
Thinges passed and eeke present
And thinges affter þat shal falle
And she mot looke / first of alle
And doon hir Inwarde besy peyne
Thinges present for to ordeyne
And future thinges for to p
Þe thinges passed in substaunce
ffor to haue in Remembraunce
And who þus dooþe I say þat hee
Verrayly haþe yegħen three
Comitted vn to his diffence
Þe trowe myrrour of
prouydence •