Thus in vi thyngis by orders men may sene
Notabułł a corde and Iustyce conneuience
Blod Eyre and veren south and Meredeen
And age of Childehode by naturałł assistence
Withe wiche they stonde p
hete and moster directyd the passage
With grene fervence to force yonge corage
ffyrst Sepherus w
ith his blastes sote
Enspireth veere with newe buddes grene
The bame ascendith out of eu
ery Rote
Chaugynge the flouris agayne the sonne shene
Maye of a month Monether sittith as a quene
Here systyr apryłł wat
erynge here gardeynis
With holsum shoures shedd in tender vynes
This tyme of verray flora doth his cure
With soleyn
e mottelyis passynge fressh and gay
Purpułł colours wrogħt by dame nature
Mountayns vales and medewis to arraye
here warderops opon lyst not to delayne
large mesure shewe out and to shedde
Tre sue of fayre wiche she doth possede