Howe holsum and glade is the memory
off Criste Ih
esu surmountynge ałł swetnesse
Name of conquest of Griumphe and victorie
The assaunte of Satan to venquissh
and app
To wich name Seint Paule Berieth wittenesse
Off hevyn and erthe and infarnałł pouste
Ałł creaturis of Right and of due humblenesse
And of olde hert bowe shałł there knee
No songe to swette vnto the audience
As is Ih
esu nor so fułł of plesaunce
A gayne ałł enmys sholde pavyse and defence
To hevy hert
is chese comfort in Substaunce
Of gostely gladnesse most Sou
erayne suffisaunce
Chefe dicare to heven warde the Cete
Gladnesse resorte of sp
irituałł Remembraunce
To Whome ałł creaturs bow shall þ
er knee
To ałł folke that stonde in Repentaunce
With hert contrite made there confession
Of will of thorgħ accomplisshed þe pen[a]nce
and there pouer don satysfaccion
That cleyene be mene of cristes passion
marked with
✠ and for more Surte
To them Ih
esu shałł graunt full pardon
To aske hym mercy wha
nne þey knele on þer knee