With maria called magdaleyne
Erly eche morowe while my lyfe may dur
e •
ffrom slouthe and slommbr
e my selfe I shałł restreyne
To Seke Ih
esu at his sepulture
Whom for to fynde yf I may recovre
To haue possession of hym at liberte
There were in hert
is no richer creature
To whome ałł creaturis bowe shałł there kne
In m
ercyfułł Ih
esu to put a very p
of his m
ercy that no man dispeyre
Vpon the crosse gaffe graunte to þe thevffe
To paradise with hym to repayre
maugre Cerberus and ałłe his crewelte
O gracius Ih
esu benynge and debonayre
Take out of helle Soulis many payre
haue m
ercy on ałł þat bowe to þer knee
riarkis and p
is on be on
rechasis rearchis and all þe orderis ix
xii apostleis and marteris eu
holy confessouris and eu
ery pure virgyn
To blessied Ih
esu most mekely shałł enclyne
ffoules fysshen and best
is of the See
kynde thought þem by natureyl disciplyne
mekelly to Ih
esu to bowe a downe your knee