Condygne laude for iocunditas
Gynnynge and graunted of ałł gostely gladnesse
Evon next in odur his Et
Tokyne and Sygne of eternałł brightnesse
S set for sanitas Socurre agayne ałł Sykenesse
V for vbertas of sp
irituałł plente
S for suavitas from whom comith ałł suettenesse
To þem that knelen to Ih
esu on þ
er knee
In Ih
esu is Ioye that non
e shałł ende
E signifiethe eu
erlastynge Suffisaunce
S oure Sauacion wenne we shałł haue wende
V his fyve wound
is that made vs aquitavnce
ffor Satanas myght thurgh his meke suff
S for the Sacrement wiche eche day we see
In forme of brede to Saffe vs from michaunce
When we deuoutely receyve it on oure knee
I for Iacob H for Abreh
The lyfe desendynge be gen
C stont for cryst that fro hevyn cam
e •
Borne of a maydon for oure redempcion
Therpe title tocon of his passion
When he whas naylied vpon the rode tre
O blessied Ih
esu do remyssion
To ałł þ
at axe m
ercy on ther knee
Do m
ercy Ih
esu or we hens passe
Owth of þis drefułł pilgremage
Beset withe brigaunt
is laide in waite in eu
ery place
Withe mortałł saute to let oure passage
amonge othr I am fułł in age
Grately feblisshette of olde infirmite
Cry on to Ih
esu for my Synfułł oute rage
Rigħt of olde hert knelynge vpon my knee