In Ameros hert
is brynnynge of kyndnesse
This name of Ih
esu most p
erfundely dothe myne
Martyr Ignasius cane bere of this witnesse
A mynde whose hert be grace whiche is devidid
withe laureat lettis as golde thay dide shyne
his hert was gravo
un men may his legent se
To teche ałł Crystyn ther hed
is to Encline
To blessied Ih
esu and bowe a downe ther knee
This is the Name that Chasietħ a waye the schippis
Of foryen derkenesse as clerkis det
Be joħ
nn remembr
ed In the apocalipse
how lyke a lambe is hede he dede inclyne
whoo blode downe Rane rigħt asse a lyne
To wasshe the orders of oure iniquite
Melde with wat
er clere as crestallyn
Wiche from his hert downe raylied be þ
e knee
Be holde ih
esu made our Redempcion
with wat
er of kaptyne from filthe wassħe vs clene
And from his hert two licoursse þ
e rane downe
On Calu
erey trouth war welle sene
Where longous w
ith a sharrp spere kene
Persied his hert vpon the Rode tree
O man kynde thynk what this dothe mene
And vnto ih
esu a bow dnow thy knee
There is no speche nor no langage channe Remembr
e •
re sylabułł nor worde that cane expresse
Thought in two tunges turned werre eu
ery memb
re •
Of man to tełł the
nobylle excellent nobylnesse
Of blessied Ih
esu wiche of his gret mekenesse
lyst to suffur dethe to make his s
ervaunt fre
now mercyfułł Ih
esu for thy gret gudnesse
Have m
ercy on ałł þ
at bowe to the thy knee