Twrne hame agane þi synnis do forsake
Behald and se gif outht be levit behind
How I to marcy art reddy the to tak
Giff me thy hert and be no more vnkind
[þi lufe
and myn togade
r do þa
m bind]
And Let þa
m neu
er dep
art in no wiß
en þow Is lowsit againe þi saule to fynde
My blud for þe I offerit in sacrifice
Emprent thir thingis in þi Inwart tho
ught •
And graif deiply in þi remembrance
Think on me weill and forȝet me no
ught •
All þis I offerit to do thy deligence
In hevin a hom I do for þe deviß
A place et
ernall a place of all plesance
Ffor quhilk my blud I gaif in sacrifice