a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Arundel 285 Verses

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f.174 recto
Folio 170 Versofolio 172 RectoFolio 172 VersoFolio 173 RectoFolio 173 VersoFolio 174 RectoFolio 174 Verso

Folio 174 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Quhanfor O man no langar þe dismay
I gaiff my blud for the in Sacrafice
Twrne hame agane þi synnis do forsake
Behald and se gif outht be levit behind
How I to marcy art reddy the to tak
Giff me thy hert and be no more vnkind
[þi lufe and myn togader do þam bind]1
And Let þam neuer depart in no wiß
Quhen þow Is lowsit againe þi saule to fynde
My blud for þe I offerit in sacrifice
Emprent thir thingis in þi Inwart thought
And graif deiply in þi remembrance
Think on me weill and forȝet me nought
All þis I offerit to do thy deligence2
In hevin a hom I do for þe deviß3
A place eternall a place of all plesance
Ffor quhilk my blud I gaif in sacrifice
And more my mercy to put to preife
Till euery synnar þat none sall It amß[amyß]
  1. The scribe skipped this line, and has corrected the mistake by placing it to the right of the following line.
  2. The EETS edition has "And with my seyntes to yeve the suffisaunce" here .
  3. There's a slight variation between this line and the EETS edition. Where this edition has "In hevin a hom" the EETS edition has "In the hevenly court."