BEhald man lift vp thy ene
and see
Quhat mortall pains I sufferit for thy trespace
With pietuouß woce I cry and say to the
Behald my woundis behald my paileface
Behald the rebukkis þat dois me so manance
Behald my enemes þat dois me so dissagis
And how þat I ȝow to reformit to grace
Wes lik ane lamb affeort in Sacrafice
BEhald þe Iowis of quhom I wes tak
Behald þe cordis with quhilk I was bund
Behald the harmes quhilk gart my hart quaik
Behald þe garding in quilk I was fund
Behalde hou Iudas tuke xxx d rounde
Behalde his tresoun behald his couatice
Behalde how I w
ith mony a mortall wound
Wes Lik ane lambe offerit in sacrifice