Behald my mothir swonyng for grevance
Aponn þe croce quhen scho sawe me dey
Behald þe sepultur in quhilk my banis lay
Kerpit w
ith strang wachis till I raiß
Off hell ȝettis se how I brak þe key
And gaif my blud in Sacrafice
Agane thair prid behald my meiknes
Agains thair inwy behald my cherite
Agains thair
th lichory behald my chaist clennes
Agane þair cowatice behald my powerte
Betiux twa thevis nalit till a tre
Raillit w
ith Reid bluid þai list me so disgiß
Behald o man all this I did for the
Meik like ane lambe efferit in Sacrafice