a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Arundel 285 Verses

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f.172 recto
Folio 170 Versofolio 172 RectoFolio 172 VersoFolio 173 RectoFolio 173 VersoFolio 174 RectoFolio 174 Verso

folio 172 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
A1Lik ane fule how I was cled in quhyte
Drawn as ane felloun in maist dulf wyß
Wes lik ane Lambe offerit in sacrifice23
Behald and se þe haitfull wraichitneß
Agane me put to my confucioun
My ene blindit and hid with dirknes
Beft and eke buft be fals Illucioun
Saluft in scorne be þair fals kneling doun
Behald all þis and sit mortall gyß
How I onlit for mannes redempcioun
Wes like ane Lambe offerit in sacrifice4
Behalde þe ministeres quhilk hadme in kepyng
Behalde þe pyller and þe rapis strang
Quhaur I was bunde my sydis fast bleding
Most felly bet with þair scurges Lang
Behalde þe battell þat I did wnderfang
The wrang5 abyding of6 þe mortall empriß
Throu þair accusing and þair sclanders wrang
Was like ane lambe offerit in sacrifice
  1. Similar to the beginning of this section on f.170 verso the initial letter is two lines, but carries over the top of the line rather than below.
  2. Line seven of this verse is missing here.
  3. The verse following this one, which is analogous to verse 105 in the EETS edition and begins "Behol the myntstres," is missing from this witness.
  4. There is a line underneath the last four glyphs of this line, but that line does not appear to be a suspension. This may be meant to indicate to the reader that the following versee is meant to be elsewhere, as the following verse is 105. There is no indication between verses 104 and 105 on this page noting the shift.
  5. The EETS edition has "bront" here.
  6. While the initial glyph is unclear at first "offerit" in the first verse on the verso side of this page suggests this initial glyph is meant as "o."