a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Arundel 285 Verses

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f.173 recto
Folio 170 Versofolio 172 RectoFolio 172 VersoFolio 173 RectoFolio 173 VersoFolio 174 RectoFolio 174 Verso

Folio 173 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
And þis I was of mekenes againes pryde
Ffor mannes offence offerit in sacryfice
Se my disciples hou þai haue me forsaik
And fro me fled almost euery one
Se hou þai slept and list not with me waik
Ffor mortall dreid þai left me all alone
Except my moder and my cousing Ihone
My deid conpleit in most dulfull wyß
Se fra my corps1 þai list neuer gone
Ffor mannis offence quhenI baid assyß2
Se hou I was Iugit to þe deith
Se barrabas gois to his liberte
Se with a speir hou longious me slaith
Behalde tua cullores3 distelling don fra me
Se blude and water be mercifull plente
Ran4 be my sydes quhilkis war ane with to suffice
To man quhen I apon þe rude tre
Was like ane lambe offerit in sacrifice
Behald þe knyghtis quhilk throu þair thrawert chance5
  1. The EETS edition has "cross" here.
  2. The EETS edition has "did sacryfice" here.
  3. The EETS edition has "lycours" here.
  4. The EETS edition has "Rayle" here.
  5. The final two letters of this line were lost when the manuscript was trimmed.